Tree Trimming

A typical trim removes branches that are unexposed to sunlight, branches that cross and rub against each other, and branches that do not conform to the general shape of the tree. Branches that are close to power lines or phone lines and branches that rub against roof tops are removed to prevent property damage and possible injuries. Dead, diseased and broken branches are removed to improve the health and beauty of the tree. Tree trimming is often a preventative solution to more costly problems in the future.
Our experienced cutters and crew trim trees for residential, commercial and municipal properties. We have all the tools to complete jobs professionally. We climb trees using a rope and saddle or use an aerial truck when necessary. All debris is neatly chipped on site with a large capacity chipper and hauled away. Our crews take great pride in the cleanup job by raking and air blowing thoroughly.
Tree Pruning is one of the most common tree maintenance procedures requested. It is used to remove dead, diseased, or insect-infested branches. It is also utilized to improve tree structure, enhance vigor, and promote safety. Because each cut has the potential to change the growth of (or cause damage to) a tree, no branch should be removed without a reason. Removing leaves reduces photosynthesis and may reduce overall growth. Understanding how a particular tree responds to pruning is essential when selecting branches for removal.
Tree Pruning mature trees may require special equipment, training, and experience. If the tree pruning work requires climbing, the use of a chain or hand saw, or the removal of large limbs, then using safety equipment, such as a climbing saddle, lanyard and ropes is a must. Our climbing arborists can provide a variety of services to assist in performing the job safely and reducing risk of personal injury and damage to your property. They also are able to determine which type of tree pruning is necessary to maintain or improve the health, appearance, and safety of your trees.
Tree Trimming Services: